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Reolite - Yarn
Reolite™ is a recycled antibacterial thread that already has an antibacterial effect on its own.  The new technology has sustainability and has been verified to be certified by the Global Recycled Standard (GRS), an international certification that requires thorough verification in the production and distribution process.
Contact us for more information about Reolite™
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Value that is more advanced than the basics.

Threads made with Reolite™ add the value of environmental friendliness and sustainability to the functionality of all fibers.
Reolite™ is realizing life and eco-friendly values by using recycled polyester made from recycled plastic bottles that are thrown away in real life.
With the global focus on immunity,'antibacterial' has already become an important factor in the textile industry.Unlike the existing antibacterial thread production method made of coating, Reolite™ uses a method of direct spinning using inorganic materials to maintain antibacterial properties for a long time.
Through eco-friendly materials that make a sustainable earth, we are putting the core value of Reolite at the forefront, which enables mankind and nature to grow together. threads that have functional features can be processed into various shapes as needed, contributing to environmental protection by contributing value in multi-disciplinary industries.