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CEO's greeting
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Reolite Leading a Sustainable Future with Innovative Antimicrobial Technology

Hello, and thank you for your interest in Reolite.
At Reolite, we are committed to preventing secondary infections through advanced antimicrobial technology and to building a sustainable future based on the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and a circular economy.

Our products are trusted and certified by SEK, SIAA, FDA, and EPA, utilizing an ion-exchange technology with Silver and Zinc as primary components to maintain 99.99% antimicrobial efficacy even after 100 washes.Reolite does not settle for the present; we are continuously innovating for a better tomorrow.

Our mission is to provide a safe and clean living environment for customers worldwide and to pass on a healthy planet to future generations. Reolite will continue delivering innovative solutions that create value in the global market, working with you toward a sustainable future.
Thank you.

Reolite company lnc., CEO Youngjin LEE