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Reolite - Compound
Reolite Compound is an antimicrobial compound compatible with all compound products. Products made with Reolite Compound inhibit and eliminate bacterial growth, effectively preventing secondary infections from the product. Certified by Japan's SIAA, Reolite Compound demonstrates strong antimicrobial efficacy with high water and light resistance, achieving over 99.99% effectiveness against Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli in tests, receiving high marks. These properties enhance product durability, extend lifespan, and help reduce maintenance costs. Additionally, it can be easily integrated with existing products, providing an efficient solution adaptable to the diverse demands of various industries.
Contact us for more information about Reolite™
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Prevention of Secondary Infection from Products
Prevention of Secondary Contamination from Products

Reolite Antimicrobial Circular Recycle (Reolite CRpet Compound)
- SIAA Certified -
"Circular Recycle" is a recycling approach within the circular economy that continuously circulates resources. Instead of discarding used products or materials, they are reverted to raw materials and utilized in the production of new products. This process enhances resource efficiency, reduces environmental impact, and creates economic value.
Reolite CR-PET maintains durability with infinite recyclability, reduces waste, prevents secondary pollution through environmental protection, and sustains product hygiene by continuously inhibiting bacterial growth to prevent secondary infections.
Microbial growth causes discoloration, odors, and physical damage, making recycling difficult, shortening product lifespan, increasing waste, and leading to downcycling. Reolite CR-PET reduces and inhibits microbial growth by 99.99%, enhancing the recyclability of plastics and textiles and contributing to environmental protection and sustainable resource management.